Schneier on Stego, Dead Drops, bin Laden

citizenq at citizenq at
Mon Oct 15 10:50:35 PDT 2001

Schneier did the World a great favor by helping popularize awareness of crypto.  Now he should just shut up, along with Larry Ellison and Scott McNealy.  Go back to work.

>Schneier has never really cared much for
>steganography and he seems to take every
>opportunity to belittle it. In _Secrets and Lies_,
>he argues that he's never received images in email
>and so steganography will fail for lack of a
>In any case, there are plenty of business uses of
>whatever might be called steganography. The term
>itself is difficult to pin down because it could
>include many things that people do without
>realizing that they're engaged in steganography.

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