possession of brown sugar and envelopes illegal ?

Morlock Elloi morlockelloi at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 14 12:45:39 PDT 2001

Targeted bioweapons will offer, for the first time, opportunity to get rid of
"others". The more "others" present a monoculture group (genetically, eating
habbits, behavioural patterns) the easier it will be to target them. In this
regard bioweapons work directly against what was driving force in history so
far - grandfalooning around concepts, feeling safe among the same.

[Think microsoft & windoze - I notice that those using them spend more and more
time fighting plagues than doing some useful work, if they ever did. When was
the last time you saw a macintosh or lynx virus ?]

Some alternate lifestyles will (statistically, by chance) offer some
protection. Not that I know what they may be. Ultimately, when everyone has a
bioprinter*, your only safety will be having as little in common with everyone
else as possible, to raise the cost of creating the custom bug.

And this will bring some profound changes.

* genetic engineering is today where computers were in 1950-ties. Huge
buildings staffed with government/corporate contractors. 

(of original message)

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