All your Olympics are belong to us!!

Nob Odie noone at
Sat Oct 13 21:14:20 PDT 2001

On Tue, 9 Oct 2001 15:22:39 +0800, Xiu Yuan allegedly wrote:

>Homepage: Http://
>Dear Sir or Madam,
>     Succeed!Hope!Ambition!
>     Everybody who wants to do business in China,please contact with 
>us .Here has a 1,200,000,000 population,here has a wide market.With 
>the development of economy and reformation ,there are too many 
>opportunities in China.You know,China has succeeded in applying for 
>holding the 2008 Olympic Game.In the coming seven years,China must 
>be the golden point in the world.It is full of competition in the 
>21th century.

Any one-else think that him Engrish am too 'creatively poor',for 
someone who want to velly,much trade with America? Ahso!?!

I wonder how Beijing will react when hundreds of foreign citizens 
descend on Tiananmen Square during the 2008 Olympics?

[Reposted legibly, I hope]

Gruesome (anti cult) photo display turns spotlight back on Falun Gong 
By John Schauble, Herald Correspondent in Beijing 

"We have won a great victory in struggling against Falun Gong, but 
this cult will not be reconciled to its defeat," a solemn Mr Li 
said. "We have won the right to host the 2008 Olympic Games. This 
shows that the international community has acknowledged the fact 
that China is marked by social stability and progress, its economy 
is prospering, and its people are living a peaceful and comfortable 

Thursday July 19, 9:47 am Eastern Time 
Press Release
SOURCE: Family Research Council 
Stop the Killing! Human Rights Advocates Rally for an End to Chinese

'We're Appalled by Beijing's Oppression Against the Falun Gong. It's
The Same Radical Position They Hold Against Christians, Buddhists And
Hindus,' said Bob Maginnis, FRC's Vice President of Policy

WASHINGTON, July 19 /PRNewswire/ -- In the past month more than 260
men, women and children have been tortured to death in Chinese
prisons, for their religious beliefs. Tens of millions of people in
China are still at risk, in a country with an egregious human rights
record, perhaps the worst in the world. 
``Unfortunately, a government with such an appalling human rights
record has just received the crown jewel of world sporting events, the
2008 Olympics. At the same time, the U.S. Congress may soon rubber
stamp the renewal of ''permanent`` normal trade relations with China.

The Chinese communist government harasses, imprisons and tortures
people because of their faith. The communists are trying to replace
the teachings of Christ with that of Mao. 
Government run Christian seminaries replace Bible study with communist
party religious policy,'' said Maginnis. 

On Thursday, July 19, more than 3,000 people are expected to attend a
commemorative rally at the U.S. Capitol (Lower West Terrace, Noon-2
p.m.), to call for an immediate end to the abuses. Speakers include
FRC's Vice President of Policy, Bob Maginnis, several members of
Congress and leaders of various human rights organizations. 

Horrifying stories are being reported on a daily basis. Female
prisoners are stripped and beaten with bamboo sticks and their
genitals are shocked with electric batons. Many are gang raped by male
prisoners and guards. A few weeks ago, a Falun Gong practitioner was
burned alive. Last year, a mother and her 8-month son were hung upside
down by handcuffs, before their skulls were crushed to death. Others
have been tied to cars and dragged to their deaths. ``We need to
demand that Beijing stop its brutal repression of religious believers
before they are welcomed into the world of nations by countries that
respect human rights.'' 

SOURCE: Family Research Council

Attached image: A vision from Tiananmen Square 2008?
Demimed for lne users.  Check the archives if you want it.

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