House update on anti-terror bills: Look out

Declan McCullagh declan at
Fri Oct 12 16:53:20 PDT 2001

On Fri, Oct 12, 2001 at 01:26:08PM -0400, Steve Furlong wrote:
> Throw Ron Paul into that select group, too. He's pretty reliable in

Ron Paul is extraordinarily reliable.

For comparison, see below.



FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                           CONTACT: Brian Walsh 
FRIDAY OCTOBER 12, 2001                                           202-225-2931; (877) 836-1325 

Barr Supports Compromise Anti-Terrorism Bill

Legislation Passes House with Bipartisan Majority

        WASHINGTON, D.C. -- U.S. Representative Bob Barr (GA-7), a
senior Member of the House Judiciary Committee, today issued the
following statement after supporting House passage of a comprehensive
anti-terrorism bill, which contains a five-year sunset provision.

        "I supported the anti-terrorism legislation today, not because
I thought it to be a perfect bill or that it may have prevented the
attacks of September 11th.  Rather, I supported the legislation
because it is a necessary step to take at this time,and it is an
appropriate compromise reached between many competing interests.  I'm
not happy with every provision in the bill, nor will I relent in my
defense of our civil liberties in the coming days, but this represents
a meaningful step to prevent future terrorist attacks.  As America
sets-out to find those responsible for the acts of war perpetrated on
us, my determination to accomplish this goal will be matched only by
my continued determination to protect the Bill of Rights."

Barr, a former federal prosecutor, represents Georgia's Seventh
District.  He serves on the House Financial Services, Judiciary, and
Government Reform Committees.


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