Wired predicts use of Nukes

mmotyka at lsil.com mmotyka at lsil.com
Fri Oct 12 15:03:37 PDT 2001

There's a huge Muslim population ( nearly a billion isn't it? ) that
approves of neither the US strikes nor bin-Laden's activities or is
barely even aware of what is going on. Bin Laden & Co are trying to
convince Muslims everywhere to side with them and fight the infidels.
The US is trying to convince people we are not at war with an entire
religion. For the moment this seems to be true. So far the US has
managed to get some level of assent from the world community and
minimize the spread of unrest. Granted those nuclear weapons are
probably always accessible but why would the US use them now and
guarantee failure? It doesn't make sense. 

In short, why rush failure? It's already likely enough. There will be
plenty of time to use those things later if the entire situation falls
apart. That would suck beyond belief compared to the current situation
which already sucks pretty terribly in too many ways to count.


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