No subject

mmotyka at mmotyka at
Fri Oct 12 12:51:18 PDT 2001

A writer for the Voice ( if I heard it correctly ) talked about a
computer captured in Manila that was supposedly used by Ramzi Yousef. He
said that there were documents that described hijacking planes and
flying them into prominent buildings.

This information was turned over to the FBI in 1995 or 1996.

I hope with expanded powers for surveillance and searches that they can
gather better information and shorten the analysis period.

Let's see...
THEY [TM] use ECHELON to listen to every electronic message in
the history of the world...
THEY [TM] have apparently already had advance information about
all of the UnForSeen Tragedies that have occurred lately...
THEY [TM] have failed to protect US&OR&U.S. from known threats,
known enemies, known terrorist plans, yet they are using Their
failure to do so as an excuse for needing to exercise even more
intrusion into our privacy and constitutional rights...

Next thing you know, THEY [TM] will be telling us they need to
raise taxes, because they wasted the money we already gave
them...or has this already happened? (I've been...uuhhh..away...)

CJ Parker <sonofgomez709 at>

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