FC: FBI posts "skyfall" terrorism alert, says, oops, we'll rename

Declan McCullagh declan at well.com
Thu Oct 11 21:39:20 PDT 2001

Nah. Right now the executive branch is more worried about spooking the 
public than lobbying Congress over a fight they've already won. Also, 
senators' minds were made up long before the late-afternoon news of this 
"skyfall" release got out. Besides, how much more support do they need? A 
vote of 94-3 instead of 90-7?


At 09:35 PM 10/11/01 -0700, Steve Schear wrote:
>I would be at all surprised if this alarming but useless announcement was 
>meant to pressure Congress to keep the strictest measures in the 
>anti-terrorism legislation before it.

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