CNN sucking Powell's dick

Neil Johnson njohnsn at
Wed Oct 10 17:23:53 PDT 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sandy Sandfort" <sandfort at>
> heard of short-wave?  All that Bin Laden has to do is broadcast the words,
> "Allah akbar" and his operatives execute "Plan A," "inshaalha" and they
> execute "Plan B," "Bert & Ernie" and they execute "Plan C."  They don't
> American TV, folks.  (Reminds me of the aliens in INDEPENDENCE DAY, using
> our communications satellites...)
>  S a n d y

Still plenty of "numbers" stations on the air. ( Background" A "numbers
station" is a short-wave station where transmissions consists of someone
(human or software generated) monotonously reading a sequence of numbers and
nothing else. Probably a messages encoded with a OTP).

Watch it now. We don't want the gov't getting the idea that all short-wave
radios need to registered.


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