who wants to be a millionaire

mattd mattd at useoz.com
Tue Oct 9 23:00:06 PDT 2001

You do a disservice to crypto and our group by implying, even in a
backhanded way, that Bell's "AP" system was or is in any way feasible. 
Where's the true untraceable cash needed? Please explain. --Tim May

After the 'soft drilling' section of AP it becomes an exercise in mass 
civil disobedience(led by a charismatic
community leader?)Also trust, in that untracable digital cash is not 
strictly needed.Merely enough trustworthy
netizens to promise to send their pledge to the 'predictor'who remains 

eg.60 million netizens pledge 1$ each on a newswire somewhere that doesnt 
keep logs.I actually got a pledge
of 1$ to wax rich armitage like a candle,Its a lot of fun.Theres still a 
lot of free range banks out there.

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