Holiday in Antarctica (was Re: Anthrax Case Number Three)

Dr. Evil drevil at
Tue Oct 9 18:52:56 PDT 2001

> They still have to try out their chemistry skills.

I think that any national government puts its citizens at risk, so I
am now logged in from a sealed yurt in Antarctica via Inmarsat.  I
hope I'll be safe here.  Eh Senor Escobar, this place is very cold,
but there's room in the yurt for you if you would like.  You can grow
some primo Antarctic hydro-kind here if you like.  White powder
everywhere!  Come on over for some old-fashioned Kazakh hospitality
and a plate of penguin a l'orange, amigo!  Si si!

I'll be sure to post some photos when they start 3G service here:
"Here's me with some snow.  The white stuff over there is also snow.
That white thing there is a polar bear.  Yeah, I know they don't have
polar bears in Antarctica.  He's just visiting."

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