who wants to be a millionaire

Sandy Sandfort sandfort at mindspring.com
Tue Oct 9 22:09:22 PDT 2001

"mattd" wrote:

> ...Also trust, in that untracable digital
> cash is not strictly needed.Merely enough
> trustworthy netizens to promise to send
> their pledge to the 'predictor'who remains
> anonymous.
> eg.60 million netizens pledge 1$ each on a
> newswire somewhere that doesnt keep logs.
> I actually got a pledge of 1$ to wax rich
> armitage like a candle,Its a lot of fun.

So, the pledges pour in.  Now the intended target figures, hell, I'll just
predict my OWN death, fake it and anonymously collect those pledges.  Then
I'll use whatever portion of the $60 million I actually receive to buy
better security.  Rinse and repeat.  Do you really think folks are going to
play the game again with Joe Target after he is resurrected?  Especially if
he tells everyone exactly what he did and promises to do it again if another
price is put on his head?

Please folks, that took me all of 30 seconds to figure out.  Do some
analysis before you spout off about AP.  IT WON'T WORK.  Please make a note
of it.

> Theres still a lot of free range banks
> out there.

Is "free range bank" supposed to convey some sort of meaning?

a) Define "free range bank."

b) Give three examples.  (There are "a lot" of them "out there," right?)

 S a n d y

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