Talking to the Press Considered Harmful

Tim May tcmay at
Tue Oct 9 20:06:19 PDT 2001

On Tuesday, October 9, 2001, at 07:25 PM, David Honig wrote:

> At 07:09 PM 10/9/01 -0700, Tim May wrote:
>> You can always tell them that if they willfully and substantively
>> misquote you, you will visit their home, wait until they are are away,
>> kill their wife and children, wait until they return home, force them 
>> to
>> the floor at gunpoint, put tape around their mouth and nylon tie wraps
>> around their hands, let them see what has been done to their family, 
>> let
>> them think about it for 10 minutes, then put tape over their nose and
>> wait for them to suffocate.
> Ah, channelling Keyzer-Soze now?
> Or wiretapping Janet Reno's fantasy life?
> ....
> Good timing: the dude who flew his ultralight into the Statue of Liberty
> while you could do that and not get a missile up your butt.

Expressing my belief about what should be done to many people.

Deal with it, or don't.

--Tim May, Occupied America
"They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety 
deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759.

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