More on Anthrax cases at publishing company in Florida

Tim May tcmay at
Mon Oct 8 12:33:26 PDT 2001

--begin comments are in brackets--

Monday October 8 2:52 PM ET

FBI Probes Anthrax, Terror Link
By AMANDA RIDDLE, Associated Press Writer

BOCA RATON, Fla. (AP) - The FBI (news - web sites) is investigating the 
possibility that anthrax bacteria found in two Florida men is a result 
of terrorism, Attorney General John Ashcroft (news - web sites) said 

The bacteria killed one of the men Friday. It has since been detected in 
the nose of a co-worker and on a computer keyboard in the newspaper 
office where both men worked, health officials said.

The co-worker was in stable condition Monday at an unidentified 
Miami-Dade County hospital, according to health officials. He had been 
tested for anthrax because he happened to be in a hospital for an 
unrelated illness.

[Tim Note: CNN says the 73-year-old man had been admitted to the 
ICU/emergency room with "pneumonia-like" symptoms on Friday/Saturday. He 
was released when he improved. Those who know about anthrax know that 
this fits the model of the "anthrax honeymoon," the period of a few days 
after an initial bad period where the patient seems to be get better. 
Then it gets much, much worse. In fact, by the time the patient is in 
the anthrax honeymoon, it's too late. so look for this second patient to 
be dying soon.]

David Pecker, chief executive of the tabloid's publisher, American Media 
Inc., said the man worked in the mailroom.

[Tim Note: The mail room. And spores have been found on a keyboard. 
Anyone still think the first guy got it out in the wild someplace?]
Stevens lived about a mile from an air strip where suspected hijacker 
Mohamed Atta rented planes, said Marian Smith, owner of the flight 
school, said Monday. Several suspected hijackers also visited and asked 
questions at a crop-dusting business in Belle Glade, 40 miles from 
Stevens' home in Lantana.
--end excerpt--

A lot of coincidences. Too many.

Be interesting if the anthrax spores were mixed in with outgoing copies 
of The Sun and The National Inquirer! Ignore that fine powder shaking 
out of the paper as people read their copies at the Waffle House...

(Be interesting if it turns out a pressman bagging the newspapers for 
shipment around the country has ties to the other WTC Jihad warriors. 
"The FBI has confirmed that Mustafa bin Azolot, a 22-year-old worker in 
the printing plant, has disappeared from his apartment in Lantana, Fla.")

--Tim May

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