ZKS Shutdown

Julian Morrison julian at extropy.demon.co.uk
Sun Oct 7 08:45:25 PDT 2001

Tolan Blundell wrote:
> http://fling.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php?OverviewOfFling

I'm the inventor of Fling.

Fling is similar to ZKS, but with subtle difference: the route is
prebuilt *from the recipient, back to themself*. The sender picks up
this prebuilt route frome someplace or via some search system, and uses
it to guide a data packet. The data packet can be their own return
address, allowing bidirectional communication to be set up.

good results:

- the anonymity hides the IPs of both parties, unlike ZKS

- there is no need for a (economically and strategically vulnerable)
company to control things, it can be totally peer-to-peer

bad result:

- you can't anymore use it to route packets to normal IPs (since IPs are
hidden), except maybe via some third party proxy service. To get the
full security benefit, data packets must stay inside the Fling system
all the way.

The current status of Fling is: designed, but not built.

I'm in progress of building the underlying encrypted packet relay system
ATM, once that's done I'll move to building Fling on top of it.

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