ZKS Shutdown

James B. DiGriz jbdigriz at dragonsweb.org
Fri Oct 5 09:55:28 PDT 2001

Steve Schear wrote:

> At 09:57 AM 10/4/2001 -0700, Bill Stewart wrote:
>> It's on Slashdot.
>> http://www.freedom.net/prem.html - shutdown warning
>> http://www.freedom.net/support/article.html?article=410 - warning that
>>         with fewer servers, your anonymity is less protected
>>         from traffic analysis
>> http://slashdot.org/articles/01/10/04/1526256.shtml - discussion
> Did ZKS ever release their source code?  Might it be resurrected?
> steve


With some kind of distributed anonymous payment mechanism/bandwidth 
accounting for server peers, it could work. Haven't really looked at it yet.

Sure, terrorists could use it. They also use airplanes, bankers, judges, 
politicians, cops, etc.


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