Dealing with Islamic terrorists, and with Afghanistan

Steve Furlong sfurlong at
Thu Oct 4 18:11:34 PDT 2001

"Dr. Evil" wrote:
> Interesting idea in the area of "psychological warfare" I guess, but
> one problem: There are Jews and Moslems in the US army who might have
> a lot of problems with this.

<shrug> So they don't have to be the ones to slaughter the pigs. It's
hard for me to see how anyone, regardless of faith, could object to
treating a terrorist that way.

By the way, terrorists are generally not considered soldiers for
purposes of treatment when captured. They're criminals, with almost no
rights. They might claim they're soldiers, but the lesson of Nueremburg
is that the winners make the rules.

> Perhaps a Britney Spears concert?

Hey, now, we don't want to be violating the Geneva and Stockholm accords
ourselves. <g>

> One thing to keep in mind is the ordinary guys in Afghanistan are
> aching for anything American (or rather, anything American that
> doesn't go "bang"). ... Maybe the US could take advantage of its
> cultural, instead
> of military, might?  Any other solution is better than killing if
> possible.

Right, which is what I was saying about airdrops with consumer goods as
well as food and guns. Medicines, too, just thought of that.

> From what I can tell they don't take their religion seriously at all.

Probably some of them do, the Joe Talibans I mean, not the not-so-smart
bombs. The problem is they probably haven't read the Koran too carefully
and are relying on the misinterpretations of mullahs with agendas. Same
thing happens with Christianity. Latin America had several preachers
teaching "Revolutionary Christianity" or some such nonsense, telling the
guerrillas that the sixth commandment allows the killing of enemies. The
preachers could get away with this because the masses were mostly
semi-literate and mostly uneducated.

Steve Furlong    Computer Condottiere   Have GNU, Will Travel

"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly
while bad people will find a way around the laws." -- Plato

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