Anxiety in State Dept over VOA playing Omar ---text

Khoder bin Hakkin hakkin at
Thu Oct 4 11:23:21 PDT 2001

Mullah Omar: +America has
              created the evil, which will
              destroy it;

              +If we now shall hand over Osama, the same
              people, who today demand from us to hand
              over him, already tomorrow will defame us for
              this treachery;

              (Correspondent of +Voice of America;
              interviewed Mullah Mohammad Omar and its
              translation is forbidden by State Department of
              USA on September 22, 2001). However +Voice
              of America; nevertheless used interview of
              Mullah Omar in its broadcasting, though not
              completely, that has caused as the American
              press writes, anxiety in State Department of

              Question: Why have you not exiled Osama bin
              Laden from the country?

              Mullah Omar: It is not connected with Osama
              bin Laden. It is connected to Islam. The prestige
              of Islam is staked. And besides it is Afghan

              Question: you know, that USA declared war to

              Mullah Omar. I know only two promises. The
              first is the promise of Allah. The second is that
              of Bush. The promise of Allah says, that my
              ground - is extensive. If you will undertake travel
              on the way of Allah, you can locate in any place
              on this ground, and everywhere you will be
              protected  Promise of the Bush consists that
              on the ground did not remain places, where you
              could hide and where you will not find place to
              locate. We shall look, which one between these
              two promises will be executed.

              Question: But are you not afraid for the sake
              of your people, yourselves, Talibans, and

              Mullah Omar: Allah Almighty  he helps
              believer and Muslims. Allah speaks, that he will
              never be pleased with atheists. In worldly
              affairs, America is very strong. But even though
              it is twice as strong as it nowadays, it cannot
              overcome us. We are convinced, that nobody
              can cause us harm, if Allah is with us.

              Question: That is all this does not make you
              worry. But Afghans worldwide are extremely
              anxious with the present situation 

              Mullah Omar: It worries us. Great dangers are
              awaiting us ahead. But we depend on favor of
              Allah. Can seem, that for us has started the
              moment of truth, but blessing of Allah is with

              Listen to our point of view. If we now shall hand
              over Osama, the same people, who today
              demand his hand over, already will blame us for
              this treachery  The same people will ask
              tomorrow: +Why have you lost prestige of
              Islam? Why have you drawn shame upon
              Muslims?; Everyone is afraid of America, and
              everyone wants to charm it. But let me tell to
              you something. Americans cannot prevent new
              acts from a series of what that recently
              happened, as America has taken Islam in
              hostage. America has made it in Islamic world
              and especially in Islamic countries.

              Look at the Islamic countries: people in despair.
              They complain that Islam has disappeared.
              Worldly laws have replaced Islamic law. But
              people remain firm in their Islamic belief. In the
              pain and despair, some of them commit acts of
              suicide. They feel, that they have nothing to
              lose. If USA really wants to finish with this evil,
              they should know, what is necessary to be
              done. They should stop the pressure upon
              Islam. Release Islam. And then there will come
              simplification, and everyone can engage in the

              Question: What do you mean, when you
              speak, that America has taken Islamic world in

              Mullah Omar: America controls governments
              of Islamic states. America looks after them that
              those carried out its requirements. Such
              government is extremely far from its own
              people. People ask it to follow Islam, but
              government does not heed them. People are
              powerless before their own governments
              because it is in the hands of United States. So
              the government becomes ineligible and starts to
              forget people.

              If someone follows a way of Islam, the
              government arrests or kills him. So America
              acts. If it will cease to support similar
              governments and will give people to understand
              with them, such things will be stopped. America
              is created that evil, which now attacks on it. This
              evil will not disappear, whether I shall die,
              whether will die Osama, whether other people
              will die. It is the American policy. USA should
              recede and reconsider it. They should stop
              attempts of spreading of the empire on all other
              world, especially in the Islamic countries.

              In a name of +humanitarian help;, Americans
              have brought in thousand of Bibles to
              Afghanistan and propagandized Christianity. If
              they have dared on it here at present, then
              think what they would have done in Arabian
              countries! Muslims understand it. Also I know
              also, that they can do nothing And
              consequently they will kill themselves in
              self-destructive attacks. They do not want to
              live on this ground any more.

              Question: That is, it means, you do not give
              Osama bin Laden to United States?

              Mullah Omar: No, we cannot make it. If we so
              shall act - means, we are not Muslims 
              Means, Islam has died. If we were afraid of an
              attack, we could hand over Osama after recent
              American threats and bombardments; but after
              that America again could attack on us, and
              during this time, we would not have any friend.

              Question: Really can you battle with America in
              full force? Whether America will not win and
              whether then your people will not suffer even

              Mullah Omar: On a surface it seems, as if all
              indeed is like that, but I am convinced: it does
              not happen. Please, remember: nothing can
              happen, except for as at the will of Allah
              All-mighty. If the person really will trust on will of
              Allah, then he believes that Almighty will help
              him, will give him the favor and will grant him
              good luck.

              +Voice of America;

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