Encryption in Microsoft Word Document

Sanjay Verma vsanjay32 at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 2 04:17:08 PDT 2001

Dear Sir 

I have got a few files in Microsoft Word 6, which is enabled with password for which I have forgotten. Please let me know if there is any way with which I can break though the password as it contains some important documents about my personal things otherwise it will be very dangerous to me. 

Thanx & regards 

Sanjay Verma 
Durgamandir Chowk, Barahazari, 
Rewari � 123401 (Haryana) 
India � 91 
Phone No. 91 01274 57867 
Fax No. 91 01274 57867 
E-mail: vsanjay32 at yahoo.com 

Sanjay Verma
Durgamandir Chowk,
Rewari-123401 (Haryana)

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