Crypto Terrorists to be Tried in Military Tribunal

Anonymous nobody at
Fri Nov 16 01:12:04 PST 2001

>See that?  "Non-Citizens", you stupid fucks!  What a barrel of retards
>we've got around here.

Excellent, agent Gordon.

Unconstitutional delineation between "citizens" and "non-citizens" when rights granted by amendments are concerned is just the first step.

Remember jews. The first thing that happened to them was to lose several rights.

Next, the fuhrer's Kabinet will strip citizenship protection from "terrorists*". This will be the byline: "too many terrorists aquired citizenship through perjury".

Next, natural citizens will have to prove their allegiance in order to retain citizenship.

This is, stupid fuck, how things progressed in past. And we are talking here about inferior brainwashing machine (no TV) and relatively educated population in 1930s Germany. It took them 10 years what bushmen will do here in one short year. For they will not waste their time. I'll bet that even Kabinet members are still in disbelief how easy it goes. Maybe they will decide to collapse transamerica in SF just for fun ...

* anyone who doesn't wave flag while rectally penetrated by state officials

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