The Sunday Times: Terrorism - Revealed - the bloody pages of

Tim May tcmay at
Sat Nov 3 19:49:48 PST 2001

On Saturday, November 3, 2001, at 07:23 PM, osama_ben-laden at 

>> http://www.sunday-
>> The sophistication of some parts of the manual has alarmed 
>> intelligence agencies, which have asked counter-terrorism experts 
>> given access to the document not to discuss or release key elements, 
>> particularly on bioterrorism.
> We were forced into limited self-publication when none of the major 
> media outlets would handle it.  I guess some properties are just too 
> hot.  We find the praise being heaped by these agencies gratifying.  It 
> has created a broader market for what we thought would be a niche 
> property.  Announcements to follow.
> obl


 From the excerpts published in the Times, it looks like you plagiarized 
major sections of the U.S. Army manuals, e.g., the famed Improvised 
Munitions Handbook and various explosives manuals. You even copied the 
CD-ROM distribution system!

Now if you set up a "College of the Arabian Lands" patterned after our 
own College of the Americas school, and you copy the curriculum of 
teaching methods for assassination, execution of villages, mining of 
harbors, and using shaped charges to collapse suspension bridges, then I 
plan to report you to the RIAA!

--Tim May
"How we burned in the prison camps later thinking: What would things 
have been like if every security operative, when he went out at night to 
make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive?" 
--Alexander Solzhenitzyn, Gulag Archipelago

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