High overall tax rates

Steve Thompson stevet at sendon.net
Fri Mar 30 01:36:42 PST 2001

Quoting Tim May (tcmay at got.net):
> >That's quite an impressive haul.  How do they do it?
> I think I explained pretty well the mechanics of how the taxes are 
> piled on at each stage.
> If you mean "how do the sheeple let themselves be fleeced?," the 
> answer lies in creeping statism. The boiling frog metaphor. Each 
> special interest group thinks it is "getting something" as the size 
> of government grows.

But, sometimes a frog jumps out.  What happens then?  Do the JBTs then point
their guns at the frog saying, "Right, you!  Back in the pot!  Boiling
water is good for you."
> >Fortunately, there's enough entertainment out there to keep everyone happy.
> "Everyone happy"? Disproved by just a single counterexample, and 


> there are a lot of folks out there unhappy enough with things to 


> <fill in favorite examples here>.

I'll invoke the WTO protests and the resulting LEA response as a good example
of how far such unhappiness leads to change.  Now that the army has their
Instant Microwaved Student Ray 'o Death Cannon, demonstrations of that kind
may soon be history.  As for other forms of `protest' such as has been done by
the likes of the Unibomber or McVeigh, the state capitalises on the hysteria
and expands, as per incrementalism.

What, then, is left for the starry-eyed idealist to do?

Write code, says the Cypherpunk screed.



Cephalopodia is the key insight.

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