[OT] kuro5hin.org || 12 Year Old Girl Commits Suicid e After Christian Taunts.

Trei, Peter ptrei at rsasecurity.com
Mon Mar 19 07:11:13 PST 2001

> Ray Dillinger[SMTP:bear at sonic.net] wrote:
> On Sat, 17 Mar 2001, Sampo Syreeni wrote:
> >leitmotif to satanistic themes. Similarly a Goth attire and a suitable
> >amount of group aggression will likely be as efficient on a child with a
> >Christian fundamental worldview as a direct threat. And as time goes by,
> Goth attire??  You mean short robes under leather armor and ring mail?
> And why should that be frightening to Christians, anyway? Rome was at 
> the height of the *Pagan* empire when the Goths sacked it.... I'm betting 
> the early Christians around Rome at the time probably joined in gleefully.
> 				Bear
>"Rome was at the height of the *Pagan* empire when the Goths sacked it....

323 AD: Constantine makes Chrisitianity the official religion of the Roman
410 AD: Alaric the Goth sacks the city of Rome (by then no longer the

The 'height of the Pagan Empire" came several centuries earlier. Barbarians
couldn't have sacked Rome at it's height - they could not have got within 
several hundred miles of the city.

"Those who will not study history are condemned to look silly"

Peter Trei

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