Book Review: REPUBLIC.COM Reviewed By Matthew Gaylor

Matthew Gaylor freematt at
Sat Mar 17 10:01:23 PST 2001

An important distinction is that the filtering that Sunstein is
talking about is a what an individual or group does when they decide
what to view.  This is different than filtering software "censorware"
that the state uses to control who gets access to what information,
as used in the public schools and libraries.

What Sunstein is talking about is adding to the process state
mandated links and hyperlinks to sites with opposing viewpoints and
the creation of a permanently viewable link to a PBS equivalent
website (Public.Net).

So presumably in order to reduce radicalism and group polarization
which he considers a danger to democracy, a website run by such
organizations such as the National Rifle Association will be required
by law (If not done voluntarily) to add links to groups such as
Handgun Control, Inc.  Because in Sunstein's words 'FREE SPEECH IS

Regards,  Matt-

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