FW: City Tree Rapers

CeejEngine at aol.com CeejEngine at aol.com
Sat Jun 9 20:41:57 PDT 2001

In a message dated 6/9/01 11:35:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
ravage at einstein.ssz.com writes:

> Bullshit, the 1st makes no such distinction. With respect to libel, or any
> other form of speech it only says it isn't a federal issue. Note that no

Yeah, but then you've got the 14th, which has been used to apply the Bill of 
Rights to the states (due process clause), so that means that no gov. can 
restrict free speech. As for libel, its damn hard to make stick- public 
figures have a hight standard, which includes proving actual malice. Fun 


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