POLL: Ohio "Thought Crime?"

Matthew Gaylor freematt at coil.com
Mon Jul 30 10:08:48 PDT 2001

At 7:56 AM -0400 7/30/01, Paul McMasters wrote:
>From: Paul McMasters <Pmcmasters at freedomforum.org>
>To: "'Matthew Gaylor'" <freematt at coil.com>, fight-censorship at vorlon.mit.edu
>Subject: RE: POLL: Ohio "Thought Crime?"
>Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2001 07:56:58 -0400
>Brian Dalton, as I understand it, was convicted of pandering child
>pornography. I don't believe he was a child molester, as the poll question
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Matthew Gaylor [mailto:freematt at coil.com]
>Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 12:46 AM
>To: fight-censorship at vorlon.mit.edu
>Subject: POLL: Ohio "Thought Crime?"
>From: JPFO Alerts <webmaster at jpfo.org>
>Subject: ALERT: New CCOPS Poll -- your opinion needed
>July 29, 2001
>ALERT: New CCOPS Poll -- your opinion needed
>CCOPS:  Concerned Citizens Opposed to Police States has a new poll
>with the following question:
>An Ohio man, a convicted child molester, has been sent to prison for
>seven years for writing fantasies of torturing children in his
>personal journal. By all accounts, these writings were repulsive.
>Should people be sent to prison for recording private thoughts in the
>privacy of their own home, when the activities described are illegal
>and/or violent, but there is no indication the person intended to act
>on them?
>You can vote yes or no.
>CCOPS has a new poll: "Thought Crime?"
>Express your opinion, go to:
>   http://www.ccops.org/
>and tell us YOUR opinion on this complex issue.
>NOTE: This poll will be up for 10 days. Give your opinion now
>and check back soon to view poll results and comments.

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