Sandy Sandfort sandfort at mindspring.com
Tue Jul 24 13:34:04 PDT 2001


I'm concerned that something terribly wrong has happened to Inchoate.  Even
though he has been offered hundreds of dollars to take, and get a good score
on, the LSAT, he hasn't risen to the bai...uh... occasion.  It would appear
that Jimbo has been secretly replaced by a random nonsense generating AI.
(Hey, artificial intelligence is better than no intelligence at all.)

Was Jimbo abducted by aliens?  Congressman Condit?  The ASPCA?  Please join
me in the Search for Jimbo (soon to be a FOX Special Report).  Until he has
proven that he is back by agreeing to take the LSAT challenge, let's keep
the heat on by shouting from the highest hills (or at least from e-mail),
"Where is Dildo?"

 S a n d y

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    |WHERE IS | |
    | DILDO?  | |

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