Indian Cats - was: "Read this..."

Grifter Guy grifter4u at
Sat Jul 21 00:27:27 PDT 2001

On 20 Jul 2001, at 13:46, Frog2 wrote:

> You are right of course, about the superiority of
India.  I recognize 
> India's greatness in the cause of world water
conservation as well, 
> particularly the sacrifices Indians have made in the
area of personal 
> hygiene by showering only once every 15 days- all
for the cause of 
> world thirst! As such I am moved- near tears- to
support your efforts.

> Hey, by the way, did you know that the British call
bathrooms "the loo" 
> ? I think Lulu's of the world need to unite and stop
this kind of 
> intentional slander! I know you Indians, who can't
stand the 
> colonialist scum who tried to build some kind of
modern infrastructure 
> in your country at their own expense and spoiled the
natural state of 
> the population in the process, will want to do
anything you can to 
> stick it to the Brits.  How can we let this stand?

While I can't help but agree with the idea that the
people of India are being a touch sensitive in that
the President has named his cat India, probably at the
suggestion of one of his children who thought the name
implied something exotic, I find your opinions
somewhat racist and a statement of your limited
knowledge of history.

Do you know that the people of Northern India are
defined as Arayans?  They are Caucasians with dark

India today is considered a Hindu country but yet most
of what you associate of India relates to the Moghuls
who were Muslims.  Like the good Muslims of today's
Afghanistan the Muslims of India's yesteryear
destroyed most of the Hindu monuments because of the
images represented.  An exception is the pornagraphic
monuments of Khajuraho in Madhya Pradesh which is in
the middle of a desert and the Moghuls never found

The destruction of Hindu monuments was so complete in
India that if you want historial examples you must
look to Shwedagon temple in Rangoon Burma or Prambanan
on the island of Java in Indonesia.  For contemporary
examples Singapore and Malaysia have some very good
examples built by more current expatriates.  My
favorite was the Shwedagon temple plus other examples
in Burma with the comptemporary examples in Malaysia
and Singapore being very interesting.  Much more
interesting than any Christian church or any of the
great cathedrals of Eurpore.

When the British first arrived in India they were
nothing more than a bunch of imperialistic thugs with
superior weapons technology who manipulated and
bullied their way into a dominant position.  India had
a civilization and the British influence was probably
more of a downgrade than an upgrade which the writers
of history have done their best to mask.

Your references to the water conservation traits of
Indian society don't jive with my experience of their
country.  I stayed in the same accommendations as the
locals and some sort of private shower type facilities
were available everywhere.

While there is definitely a shortage of public toilet
facilities which makes it seem relatively  uncivilized
by western standards I didn't find it a lot different
than the pissing booths in Amsterdam.  At least in
India I could always duck behind a banana  tree and it
was better than the pissing wall in the Philippines. 
As to body odour I always northern climates where
people bathed less often were more offensive than the
tropics where people tended to bath daily, or more
often, as part of the cooling down routine.

I guess you were attempting to take some sort of cheap
shot but your comments don't jive with reality.

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