Your Membership Community & Commentary, 07-20-01

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Fri Jul 20 14:48:43 PDT 2001

Your Membership Community & Commentary (July 20, 2001)
It's All About Making Money

Information to provide you with the absolute 
best low and no cost ways of providing traffic 
to your site, helping you to capitalize on the power 
and potential the web brings to every Net-Preneur. 

--- This Issue Contains Sites Who Will Trade Links With You! --- 

Doin' It, Doin' It, Doin' It... and the only thing worse than a bad ad campaign
Member Showcase
Commentary Quick Tips
Win A FREE Ad In Community & Commentary

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    Today's Special Announcement:
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This is the success story of one guy working out of his 
parent's basement, who went from 0 to $750,000 in sales in 
his first year on the internet. No traditional advertising 
of any kind was used, not even a business card. He moved 
real world products without even so much as a physical 
store. Now you'll be able to use the same powerful internet 
marketing tactics he used. To find out even more: 

||| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=>>

You are a member in at least one of these programs 
- You should be in them all! 

Doin' It, Doin' It, Doin' It... and the only thing worse than a bad ad campaign

Dumber than a doornail - that's what he was - one of the richest home-
based businessmen I have ever had the opportunity to know personally. 

For purposes of anonymity, lets call him Jack. Jack wasn't your typical 
sharp-as-a-tack businessman, nor was he what you might term a master 
marketer. Actually, he wasn't really even all that bright. He was one of 
those types that, though he dressed nicely, when he opened his mouth, 
you would grit your teeth hoping he wouldn't say something terribly 
foolish or offensive. 

About seven years ago, Jack approached my husband and me about 
providing a certain service for his expansive downline in a network 
marketing company. While we were not interested in network marketing, 
nor did we believe we would gain a significant number of customers 
through this business relationship, Jack convinced us to provide this 
service for his organization. 

What followed blew our minds. 

Once we had all things set up and customized to begin taking orders, 
Jack made an announcement to his downline. The orders immediately 
began to trickle in. Jack sent out reminders for several weeks. The 
orders came by the thousands. We had to hire more employees to 
take Jack's orders. Every month, orders increased and business was 

Through many meetings over the next few months, we got to know 
Jack. One of his associates had put together a fairly unattractive 
executive summary for all distributors to use. We offered to redo it 
free of charge. Jack declined and said he wanted it up right away... 
as is. Surely, even not-so-bright Jack could see the importance of 
reworking this document that thousands of distributors would be using. 

Nevertheless, the executive summary went out "as is." We felt sure 
it would backfire. But, do you know that things actually picked up 
faster soon after it was distributed? 

My husband and I scratched our heads as we wondered what in the 
world Jack knew that we didn't. What was so fantastic about Jack 
that he could have such influence over so many people. He said, 
"Jump," and thousands of people asked, "How high?" 


Jack invited us to accompany him to a conference he was putting 
together. We were to present our services to his audience. My 
husband and I went and took a small sales force with us. During 
Jack's lectures, we left our booth to peek in every so often. 

Throughout that whole three-day conference, I never heard Jack 
say anything of real consequence. Yes, there was a lot of hype, but 
there wasn't anything truly solid to the information he presented. In 
fact, Jack would inevitably say something, quite frankly, stupid right 
in the middle of his lectures. Yet, at Jack's suggestion, people 
continued to sign up for our services in droves. 

It wasn't until the end of the conference that we figured out what it 
was that made Jack so successful. 

Do you know what the secret to his success was? 

He actually practiced what he preached. You see, Jack understood 
two things quite well. 

1) He knew that to get a desired outcome, he had to actually DO 
something to get there. 

2) He understood the exponential power of leveraging. Each person 
in that room that he could get to DO something to work toward his 
goal would exponentially get him there that much faster. 

For purposes of this article, we're only going to take a look at the 
first item above... doing something. 

During those three days, Jack must have used the phrase, "Doin' It, 
Doin' It, Doin' It," several dozen times. It really was quite annoying. 
But, it didn't sink in until the end of the conference what he was 
trying to teach his audience... That if they would just do something 
- anything - every day toward their goals, they would get there. 

It's so simple, it sounds ridiculous. Yet, that is exactly what not-so-
bright Jack did to get to his millions. He just started doing something. 
He didn't wait until he had enough money to start his business (he 
started flat broke with a young family). He didn't wait until the 
executive summary was perfect, nor did he wait until his company 
had a whole slew of products to sell. He knew where he wanted to 
be, simply started with what he had and DID SOMETHING - 
every day. 

How does the saying go? "The road to hell is paved with good 
intentions." How about this one, "You can't wish your way into 
heaven." This is equally true of business dreams. A dream is nothing 
more than a dream until you do something to make it a reality. The 
plain and simple truth is that you can't wish your way to riches. 
You've got to do something about it. 

The problem most of us face is that, though we have an idea of 
what ultimate outcome we want, the process of getting there seems 
overwhelming. Taking off bite-size pieces each day is a much better 
way of getting there. And... it works! Not-so-bright Jack is living 
proof of this principle. Trust me, my saying that if Jack can do it, 
anyone can, is not just some trite phrase. 

Okay, let's take a break for a short quiz. 

Q: Do you know what's worse than a bad sales aid? 

A: No sales aid at all. 

You know, my husband and I feel like we really missed out on 
something at that conference. What did we miss out on? 


Sure, we took in plenty of orders. But, on our way home in the 
plane, we both realized that if we had taken one sales aid (a piece 
of equipment that would help those people with the service we 
were offering), we would have sold 100's of them at a $100 profit 
each. We wouldn't have had to stock any inventory or purchase 
the equipment up front. We just needed to provide the sample 
piece of equipment, an order form for taking orders, and then have 
them drop-shipped in order for us to have pocketed an additional 
$10,000 to $20,000 in those three days. 

It wouldn't have made a huge difference how perfectly formatted 
our order forms were. Simply having an order form - any order 
form - would have sold plenty. 

This is a concept that not-so-bright Jack understood very well. 
He was anxiously engaged in "doin' it, doin' it, doin' it," and in 
the process made his millions. 

We have tried to take Jack's advice over the years. It takes time 
and experience to come to understand the significance of this simple 
concept... doing something every day. His advice has made and is 
making a difference in our own business. 

Now, ask yourself if there is something you have thought about 
doing but have put off, a wish you would like... no... NEED to 
make a reality. 

Do you have an eBook you have been wanting to write but are 
afraid you won't have the time to finish before the market is saturated? 
Perhaps you are waiting to perfect it before releasing it? Are you 
afraid you won't know how to market it? 

Have you joined a company as a distributor, read over the 
materials, but just haven't brought yourself to making a call or two? 

Have you wanted to put up a website for your products or services, 
but the task seems too daunting or too expensive? 

Is there a business you would really like to start but are afraid of 
failure? Perhaps you feel you don't have the capital to get it going? 

If so, I challenge you to start now, today, to write down your 
desired outcome and make it a goal. Then, do something - 
anything toward that goal every day. Don't wait for perfect 
circumstances. Don't wait for the ideal sales aid. Don't wait for 
the money. 

Don't let self-doubt, fear, time-wasters or money keep you from 
doing some little thing each day. You may still have your doubts 
and fears, but by doing something every day and seeing your 
progress over time, you will soon find your doubts and fears 
fading away. 

Whether it be a simple phone call, an email, trading links, writing 
a few words, sketching an idea; do something every day. You 
will be surprised at the results. 

And, if you've got a few more smarts than not-so-bright Jack, 
you might just make an extra million or two. 

About the Author...

Heidi Perry, the author of this article and a successful entrepreneur, 
is editor of HomeBizBytes and co-founder of 
Sign up for her popular newsletter at 

Member Showcase

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TRADE LINKS with you... You are encouraged to contact them. 
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Commentary Quick Tips

Do you have a marketing hint, product recommendation, or
online gem of wisdom you'd like to share with your fellow
subscribers? With your 2 - 10 line Quick Tip include your
name and URL or email address and  we'll give you credit
for your words of wisdom.

And, if you're looking for free advertising, this isn't
the place - check out the 'One Question Survey' below for
a great free advertising offer.

Send it in to mailto:Submit at
with 'Quick Tip' in the Subject block.

Win A FREE Ad In Community & Commentary

To keep this interesting, how about this, every month we'll 
draw a name from the replies and that person will win one 
Sponsorship Showcase in the Community & Commentary, for FREE. 
That's a value of over $800.00! Respond to each weekly survey, 
and increase your chances to win with four separate entries. 

QUESTION OF THE WEEK (07/20/01)...
 No right or wrong answers, and just by answering
 you are entered to win a Sponsorship Showcase  - Free!

 ~~~ Do you promote your website only online? ~~~

     yes   mailto:yes at
     no    mailto:no at

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post the best commentaries along with the responses.

You will automatically be entered in our drawing for a free
Sponsorship ad in the Community & Commentary. Please
respond only one time per question.  Multiple responses
from the same individual will be discarded.

Last Weeks's Survey Results (07/13/01)

 ~~~ How often do you update your website? ~~~

     daily         23%
     weekly        29%
     monthly       32%
     1-4x a year   13%
     never          3%


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