What the Swiss have

Sandy Sandfort sandfort at mindspring.com
Fri Jul 20 14:01:58 PDT 2001

"George at Orwellian.Org" asserted:

> A different society.
> It [a heavily armed population with
> a low homicide/crime rate] wouldn't
> work here.

I'm not sure where George's "here" is, but in the US the facts say
otherwise.  Every state that has increased the availability of concealed
carry permits has seen dramatic decreases in crime (a 40% decrease in the
case of Florida).  For the last score of years, crime has been decreasing
per capital as the number of guns in the US has increased both per capita
and absolutely.  The state that has NO restrictions on concealed carry,
Vermont, is one of the very safest states in the union.

 S a n d y

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