Meatspace anonymity manual

Trei, Peter ptrei at
Thu Jul 5 12:01:36 PDT 2001

> From: 	Aimee Farr[SMTP:aimee.farr at]
> The Lone Ranger also wore a black mask. He also rode the same horse, hung
> around the same Indian, and manifested repetitive behavior patterns. I
> don't
> think he really fooled anybody.
> The FBI and PO-lice aren't the only ones interested in anarchists.
> ~Aimee
Duh. The Lone Ranger was interested in establishing an
individual,  persistant nym, unlinked a known person, not
total anonymity.

These 'blackbloc' vandals want to create confusion about
which one of them commits which crime, thus using their
Constitutional protections to protect them from successful
prosecution.  In a similar move, cops cover up their badge
numbers when they plan to violate people's civil rights.

Of course, this mechanism is very weak in the face of a
reputation attack - an Agent Provocateur or a whole bloc
of APs could easily destroy the credibility of the the
blackbloc technique.

Different goals, different methods.

Peter Trei

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