ANN: TAZCon I, Sep. 1-Oct. 1, 2002 (fwd)

Eugene Leitl Eugene.Leitl at
Thu Jul 5 02:59:40 PDT 2001

-- Eugen* Leitl <a href="">leitl</a>
ICBMTO  : N48 10'07'' E011 33'53''
57F9CFD3: ED90 0433 EB74 E4A9 537F CFF5 86E7 629B 57F9 CFD3

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 04 Jul 2001 22:31:32 -0500
From: Jeff Bone <jbone at>
To: fork at
Subject: ANN: TAZCon I, Sep. 1-Oct. 1, 2002

NoNewswire, 7/4/2000, Austin, TX:  This is the first public
non-announcement of TAZCon I, a non-conference devoted to autonomy
in all its interpretations.  TAZCon I will *not* be hosted in Austin
from Sep. 1-Oct. 1, 2002, and is *not* open to any who wish to
participate.  There are no events planned, but if there were they
would consist of BOFs, parties, and other events organized around
the following, and any other conceivable, topics:  privacy, IP law,
organizational strategies against strategic monopolies and
corporatocracies / hegemonies, legal remedies, illegal remedies,
insurrection, subversion of existing political systems, co-option of
existing political systems, bloodless revolution, public nudity,
masked society, transparent society, Lockeian property rights, the
1st amendment, the 2nd amendment, the 4th amendment, colorblind law,
genderless law, technology and the law, anti-trust in a
network-effects context, post-modern economics, semiotics,
competitive poetry, the arts, ontological terrorism, piss Christ,
anti-collectivism, Linux, Zope and other Python development,
asynchronous event notification, DNS alternatives, private ownership
of ABC weapons, gray goo scenarios and how to prevent them, the
ethics of AI, the GPL and other Open Source licenses, tribalism and
antitribalism, anarchy, libertarianism, freedom, fairness, M$
alternatives in corporate IS infrastructure, censor-free networking,
the sociodynamics of P2P networking, free speech, anonymity, strong
contracts, strong drink, non-coercive social frameworks, and just
about anything else.

Anyone wishing *not* to host a particular topic, RFP, discussion,
BOF, think-n-drink, theme rave, live music act, or other interesting
event need not apply.  (Boring events will be considered and
summarily discarded.)  Regardless, please *do not* contact the
author, as I have nothing at all to do with this odious non-event.

We will *not* take over the city of Austin, TX, for a month next
year.   Promise.  Do not pass this message along to anyone, period.

Peace, Love, and Evil Smileys,


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