hi (This e-mail is virus-free!)

auto129994 at hushmail.com auto129994 at hushmail.com
Mon Jan 29 22:16:43 PST 2001

"David Arguelles" <davida at bevisco.com.au> wrote in a virus-infected message:

[snip HTML, ActiveX, Mid/Kakworm, Ebola, and the common cold]

> i have a virus called 'W32/Hybris-B'  how do i get it off my computer?
> Help!!!
> Regards David

Hybris is almost impossible to get rid of.  According to the security department 
of Network Affiliates, Inc., a leading vendor of anti-virus software, the 
only known method of removing Hybris is as follows:

 1.)  Unplug your computer
 2.)  Remove all hard disks
 3.)  Douse hard disks with kerosene
 4.)  Ignite with matches or Bic(r) lighter.  Zippos not advised due to 
Flash incompatibility.

After you allow them to cool, your hard disks will once again be safe for 
use.  Don't worry -- this won't damage them; hard disk drives are made with 
heat-resistant aluminum platters, and some more modern ones use ceramic 
technologies.  Note that Hybris uses photoelectric quantum nanoscopy to 
infect all magnetic and optical media within approximately 20 feet of the 
infected computer; you should include any media such as floppies, CD-ROMs,
 data tapes, and VHS cassettes in the above procedure, and wipe down all 
integrated circuits such as RAM and CPU chips with a chlorine bleach solution. 
 Otherwise, you will be re-infected.

Since Hybris is currently in the process of destroying the entire Internet,
 the U.S. Department of Security (DoS) has decided to close down the Internet 
for cleaning and administration.  This process will involve high-voltage 
shocks to all servers and high-intensity laser pulses over backbone fibers. 
 For your own protection, disconnect from the Internet and do not reconnect 
until you receive an e-mail telling you that it is safe to do so.

I would advise you to check on the CERT advisory regarding this situation,
 but I really do think that you should disconnect immediately.

Hope that this helps.

P.S. -- Was that Snow White and Seven Dwarves program really seeexxxxy?

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