About those EM waves, Gauss's Law, and somebodies fucked up physics...& incomplete CH archives

Jim Choate ravage at EINSTEIN.ssz.com
Fri Jan 12 18:36:06 PST 2001


If the waves aren't reflected where do they go? The Faraday Cage is the only
place since it's absorbing them. What happens when that happens? A charge
builds up on the cage. Then what happens? The charge leaks away to Earth.
What happens when a charge flows? A current you say? And then what? A EM
field you say?

Wow, and we build detectors for both static and dynamic fields. Imagine

What happens is this:

EM field strikes ungrounded Faraday Cage. This induces a current in cage
conserving the energy of the EM Field. When that field goes away the
electrons in the cage now have energy over their ground state. So what does
a happy electron do when it has extra energy and wants to go to ground? It
gives it away. What do we call that? EM radiation or radio/light/heat.
Easily detectable. Don't ground the shield you're just making an antenna.
One kind of antenna like this is called a box antenna. It also happens to be
why they build stealth planes out of something other than conductors (ask
yourself how that flat plate 'reflects' the radar).

If an electron always seeks the shortest path (which it doesn't, it hops
around quantum like and is only probabilisticaly taking the shortest path,
this old wives tail ignores the 'like charges repel' rule) then how come
lightening branches?  How come lightening is several inches to a couple of
feet in diameter.
Are you saying a tube is a shorter path than a line? Are you saying that two
paths through the air have EXACTLY the same resistance? That's pretty
unlikely yet almost all lightening has branching.

And if a spark gap is actually conserving charge (it doesn't, if it did a
spark gap radio wouldn't work) then where does all that Ozone come from?
What do you thing happens when the ozone breaks down with the first UV
photon that comes bopping along? They break apart and make O2 and O (which
has a charge).

I did notice while tooling around the CH Archive that it's not complete.
There are at least two posts in the 'Gauss' discussion that were a responce
to emails later on in the discussion (graphics showing ways to build
'batteries' that had excess charge in contravention to the supposition
proposed that all batteries had to have no excess charge to distribute to
the sphere).


           Before a larger group can see the virtue of an idea, a
           smaller group must first understand it.

                                           "Stranger Suns"
                                           George Zebrowski

       The Armadillo Group       ,::////;::-.          James Choate
       Austin, Tx               /:'///// ``::>/|/      ravage at ssz.com
       www.ssz.com            .',  ||||    `/( e\      512-451-7087
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