April RSA, Cypherpunks Meeting Schedule - Request for Comments?

Bill Stewart bill.stewart at pobox.com
Wed Feb 14 08:51:57 PST 2001

The 2001 RSA Security Conference will be April 8-12 in San Francisco.

The Bay Area Cypherpunks monthly meeting is normally the second Saturday,
except when there are major conferences in town.
If you're visiting the area that week, are you likely to be here
for the weekend of the 7th or the 14th?

Enough Usual Suspects are expected to be in town the 7th that 
if we don't move the meeting, we'll probably do a get-together
at a nearby brewpub.

Passover starts the weekend of the 7th/8th and ends the weekend of the 14th;
Easter is the 15th.
Bill Stewart, bill.stewart at pobox.com
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