Pre Launch USA Now!

prelaunch prelaunch at
Sat Dec 29 18:44:42 PST 2001

Euphony is Pre-Launching in the USA - February 2002


This email is from Nigel Salmon who wants to share a ‘Right Time/Right Place’ opportunity with you!!! 

All you need to do at this stage is to register an interest on:

and quote 201530404 as the 'Sponsor ID'.

The reason for this email to you is to let you know that Euphony is CURRENTLY in the ‘Pre-Launch’ phase and will launch across the USA in February 2002. 

Euphony Communications Ltd has been operating in the UK & Europe since 1998. It now has the 2nd largest customer base in the UK and is the fastest growing telecommunications company in Europe.

Here Are My Reasons for Registering My Interest

Would you think it makes sense to start a business in which there was:
- No Committment by you
- No Risk to you
- No Cost to you
- That had MASSIVE potential FOR YOU

It made sense to me ……

I decided to become a part of it from the VERY BEGINNING!!!

Other Points You May wish to Consider

Imagine having a large group who will all start on‘Launch-Day’

The EUPHONYPRELAUNCH web-site will help you build a‘Pre-Launch’ team

A group of very successful consultants from the UK called Millionaires In Motion will help build your group

The Euphony CEO is American Dan Robison. Dan previously worked here in America and with his business partner built the 4th largest telecoms company in the USA, so he’s done it before!

They have a fantastic pay plan that's already paid out over $30 million in the first three years in the UK

Their vision is to be a global giant

I couldn’t see what I had to lose?

**** Visit for the full Euphony story and pre-register your interest ****  

Our apologies if you are not interested in this opportunity, this is a *one time mailing only*

Happy Holidays from Millionaires In Motion! Make 2002 a year to remember!

Don't forget that we have a business in the UK, Ireland, Belgium and Holland too.


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