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Raymond D. Mereniuk Raymond at
Sun Dec 30 02:20:04 PST 2001

On 30 Dec 2001 at 0:19, mattd wrote:

> Subject: dene suline Kanada
> The Dene Suline of Cold Lake: Reasserting aboriginal title and opposing the 
> NATO war machine
> On December 12, 2001, the Dene Suline people of Cold Lake, "Alberta, 
> kanada", are supposed to vote on an offer from the government to give money 
> and land in exchange for Dene territory on which the Primrose Lake Air 
> Weapons Range is located. Primrose Lake is a favored NATO playground, where 
> they have tested out numerous missiles, bombs, weapons and aircraft that 

Primrose Lake is a suspected entry point for the Project Earth Enema.  
The land is pretty much swamp but it is too hilly and cold to be called 
that.  A little further north and the swamps are called Muskeg which are 
basically peat bogs.  Further south, from Lac La Biche and south, the 
land is black earth parkland and suitable for normal agricultural use.  

The French Voyageur who were travelling for the Hudson's Bay 
Company or the Northwest Company pretty much polluted the gene 
pool in the Lac La Biche area in the 1700s.  The aboriginal people 
around Primrose Lake were probably spared some of this gene pool 
pollution as their land was considered so poor the Voyageurs didn't 
bother with direct contact.

While there are some cases of "The White Man" deliberating spreading 
disease in Canada (Kanada is not the correct spelling unless you 
speak like em Kree in Lac La Biche) there are no examples from the 
Primrose Lake region.  In general disease was transmitted by 
incompetence or accident in most areas.  Remember, it was pretty 
much the late 1800s before the concept of gems was accepted as the 
means of disease transmission.  Primrose Lake is off the beaten track 
which is why it was chosen for a weapons range.  As far as weapons 
testing it is nothing special except some cruise missiles with dummy 
warheads were tested years ago.

The oil companies don't discriminate.  For every aboriginal person they 
have screwed they have screwed 10 white people.  While many people 
like to believe natural gas is a clean fuel that only applies to its use and 
not its production.

> peacefully on the land that is now the Primrose Lake Air Weapons Range. 
> Through hunting, fishing, trapping, and food gathering, the Dene Suline 
> have sustained themselves as a people in the face of genocide from the 
> kanadian government and NATO. The Dene people live from northern kanada, in 
> "Alberta, Saskatchwan, Manitoba, and Northwest Territories," down to Black 
> Mesa in "Arizona." The U$ and kanadian governments and corporations have 

This is somehow different then the treatment received by aboriginal 
people anywhere else in North American, South America, Australia and 
for that matter anywhere else you care to mention.  Look at history,  it 
is always one people conquering another, and guess what - white folks 
do the same to white folks, black folks do the same to black folks and 
name-your-colour does it to the same-color (and probably every other 
color).  Its called history and it happened back then and it happens 
now.  Just check out any current regional conflict.

Why should I feel guilt over what previous generations have done?  
Insects do it, birds do it, mammals do it and people do it.  Even 
dolphins, the breeding heart liberals favourite, kill their competitors.  
Cro-Magnon man displaced Neanderthal man, where do we draw the 
line?  My Romanian relatives had their land taken from them by 
Ukranian imperialists, within the last 100 years, why can't I make a 

The Canadian government abuses all of their citizens, why should 
aboriginal people of today get special treatment?  The Canadian 
government doesn't appear to be any worse than the US or Australian 
governments, or for that matter any other government.

I never thought this list was a home for the bleeding heart liberal tree 
hugger crowd.

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