Fear and Trembling.

mattd mattd at useoz.com
Fri Dec 28 03:10:17 PST 2001

 >>At 09:53 PM 12/27/01 -0800, John Young wrote:
 >Targets for centers of these exports are not hard to

After the WTC, the only truly theatrically worth it
encore I can think of is a stinger at the space shuttle.
This would not trepan the serpent but would
kick the angst up a notch.

Then again, there's always Utah...<<

Talk about a target rich environment! They tip their hand by pulling the 
juiciest targets off the web.(To late!)
Nuclear targets available on Blacknet,freenet and all the wildnets.
The way to retreat to win is cut the shebang down the middle or break it 
into 5 regions ala TM.Wisdom of Insecurity.Decentralised minarchist govt as 
described in AP essay.and...http://world.std.com/~mhuben/cypher.html 
Assassination Politics.
"Armoring" the shell with Vartherland Defense and letting paranoid 
police/stormtroopers run riot is bringing on chaos and catastrophic collapse.
Lets all stop kidding ourselves.The last empires going down and the best 
things to give it a nudge.Start mapping the busiest nodes of US Imperialist 
power.Cheney and Armitage,creatures like that,that are heavily networked.In 
culture you could wack out the scientologists,the fallwels and 
limbaughs,all those Haven fucken' Hamiltons.Dont be shy about their 
secondaries either.They cant operate without support.List the pricks,start 
with a few dead ones like JEHoover and so on then get set to start crossing 
off the new names.All federal employees got fair warning.They are 
legitimate targets.
A nuremburg website for all the latter day 
crap corporate media heads.Yeah!
CRyptome can do it.With all the mirrors now,your *safe.*There's no way in 
hell this arbusto e neumann presidents going to last out his term.Its true 
its not just the state,we all seem to agree,here on the evils of the state 
but it IS time the other authoritarian hierarchies got equal time.Time to 
die.We're all on a runaway train so its time for Rankin to make his move.
Y'Hear me Rankin! COME ON DOWN!


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