Joshua on probable death list

mattd mattd at
Wed Dec 26 22:33:19 PST 2001

Just noticed the current list of names most commonly issued to new-born 
babies in NSW.
The most popular name for a boy is Joshua.(matt's brahms and litszt)
Other lists are more confusing. Take a look at the recently published list 
of supermarket products which have generated the most business in the past 
year. Then look at the list of poisons which have most frequently 
occasioned calls to the NSW Poisons Information Centre. It would be easy to 
mistake one list for the other. The most successful supermarket line, for 
the umpteenth year in a row, is Coke.(famous for having unionizers wacked 
south of the border.)
After Coke comes four separate brands of tobacco, Longbeach being the 
winner among them and second overall. By comparison, the most worrying 
poison seems quite benign. It is paracetamol. Indeed, six out of the 10 top 
poisons can be bought at Franklins or Coles. If your supermarket is 
infested with spiders, you can make that seven. And if you are willing to 
class junk food as either an antidepressant or a sedative, you can make it 
nine.(put CATO down there)
This is particularly true at the end of the year. This time is so frenetic 
that I need a list of lists. After Christmas comes the list of people you 
have forgotten to buy something for. This is a good list to get onto, if 
you can, as the instinct to make amends often means you end up with a 
better present in the long run. And, of course, there is the list of new 
year's resolutions. (Kill the president?I really wish they'd all just vamoose.)
I have a modest proposal. Lists are about fulfilling obligations. Yet the 
one which might include a few obligations to yourself, the list of 
resolutions, is always the first to fall by the wayside. Just drop it.
The wise tell us that a difficult resolution is best kept a day at a time. 
Make a fresh list every day. Even if the same things are on it as yesterday.

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