Time to unsubscribe...

Greg Newby gbnewby at ils.unc.edu
Tue Dec 25 15:57:49 PST 2001

For procmail (available on Linux systems; for other
Unix systems download from procmail.org):

1. Use a .forward file to forward to procmail:

Mine looks like this, your might have a different

"|exec /usr/local/bin/procmail"

2. Edit a .procmailrc for procmail to use.  It's
not that hard, there are some good docs ("man procmailrc")

Some extracts from mine:

-- start of snippet from .procmailrc

# Backup the last 32 messages (per 'man procmailex')
:0 c
:0 ic
| cd backup && rm -f dummy `ls -t msg.* | sed -e 1,32d`

# Temporary redirects while I'm out of town:
#:0 H
#* cypherpunk
#  cypher-unread

# Grep the header for @toad.com; put it in 'toad' mail folder
# This might cut down on cypherpunks spam
:0 H
* @toad.com

:0 H
* ^Subject:.*Snowhite

# tcmay's a pain in the ass
:0 H
* From:.*tcmay at got.net

# Yes, people still use friend at public.com!
* ^To: Friend at public.com

# Everything else just gets appended to DEFAULT
-- end of snippet

In the above, "spam" is a mail folder (literally, just a file).
So, you can still read the stuff there...  if you want to 
delete it permanently, use /dev/null instead of "spam"

This will work fine with any Unix mail program that uses
local files -- you'd need something different if you use

3. test, test test!!!  You can do much more sophisticated
filtering with procmail, but I find that most of what I want
is to filter the To, From or Subject line based on a
string or substring.

  -- Greg

On Tue, Dec 25, 2001 at 10:14:51PM -0000, Dr. Evil wrote:
> > >Basically half the posts to this list are incoherent, idiotic rambling
> > >from mattd at useoz.com and ravage at ...  The few bits of wonderfully
> > >interesting news on this list aren't quite wonderful enough to
> > >motivate me to figure out how to use mail filters.  If someone knows
> > >of a filtered version of this list, please let me know.
> > 
> > Since you seem to be ignorant msoft user, use made-for-idiots yahoo
> > throwaway and set this in the "block addresses" (under options):
> Just for the record, I'm not an ignorant MS user.  I'm an ignorant
> user of something else, far more subtle.
> [list snipped]
> Choate and Mattd seem to be responsible for more than half the
> traffic, and basically none of the value on this list.  I think it
> would be almost tolerable without them on it.  Ok, time to figure out
> the mysteries of filtering.

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