FC: DNA tests show federal officials planted fake evidence of lynx(fwd)

mattd mattd at useoz.com
Thu Dec 20 15:23:12 PST 2001

 >>The previously unreported Forest Service investigation found that the 
science of the habitat study had been skewed by seven government officials: 
three Forest Service employees, two U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 
officials and two employees of the Washington Department of Fish and 
Wildlife. The officials planted three separate samples of Canadian lynx 
hair on rubbing posts used to identify existence of the creatures in the 
two national forests. DNA testing of two of the samples matched that of a 
lynx living inside an animal preserve. The third DNA sample matched that of 
an escaped pet lynx being held in a federal office until its owner 
retrieved it, federal officials said.<<

Knights gambit declined,red Queen to centre.In the AP essay jim says that 
while there can be no "AP Czar",He doesnt envisage AP being used against 
"lowly forest grunts".Not receiving a response to my requests for dialogue 
with the evil empire I propose that the lowly forest grunt actually makes 
more sense to use AP against.The above story Illustrates how power corrupts 
and how low on the federal food chain that corruption goes.Yet how long can 
a fascist regime last that cant protect their workers? It would be easier 
to obtain enough evidence for proof of death,DNA being the gold standard 
and the predictor could be paid with e-dinars through 
cut-outs.Alternatively through kudo's or BUMs after the collapse of 
Govts.Kill the president.
On this day,from the daily bleed.
1988 -- Animal rights terrorists fire-bomb Harrod's
department store, London, after finding poodle
fur collars on some coats.
In December 1998 it is revealed that many
fur pelts being sold in the US (coats, toys, etc)
are actually from cats & dogs falsely labeled.

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