Wired on e-gold

Blanc blancw at cnw.com
Tue Dec 18 19:11:12 PST 2001

Criminals love privacy, they love anonymity. With most people, if they have
nothing to hide, they don't hide it. Therefore the wearing of opaque
clothing will now be prohibited - anyone wearing thick socks or covering
their head will be severely beaten.

Few customers use anonymity services for positive purposes, to protect their
privacy while engaging in legitimate activities.  From now on all business
activities will be audited daily - have all your records ready and available
for inspection by end of day, or your business will be shut down and you
will be put in a dank, dark jail hole for an indefinite time.

Only paranoids and extremists will adopt anonymity technologies without
nefarious purposes in mind.  And we do not tolerate dissenting opinions,
remarks, jokes, or snide commentary - anyone caught criticizing or laughing
at us will be taken to the soccer field and whipped with a wire cable.

Anyone proposing to offer new services for privacy and anonymity should
expect to be tortured, have their eyes cut out, and perhaps shot, depending
on our mood.

Have a nice day.
Nomen Ministry for the Suppression of Vice and the Promotion of Virtue

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