Cypherpunk Ban,

mattd mattd at
Mon Dec 17 23:49:07 PST 2001

BS >>Assassination-Politics-Quality Anonymity *isn't* available or usable,

I dont believe that you believe *that* Its bollocks anyway rip.

 >>AP-Quality payer-and-payee-anonymous digital cash isn't available,

Op centre's BUMs are.AP in its Operation Soft Drill form protects the 
switch to e-cash,least thats the van.

 >>any discussion of "how could it be used?" or "like, that'd be cool, huh 
huh!", at least by people who *do* understand the technology and state of 
its deployment, is strictly speculative philosophical bullshitting, not 
active conspiracy.

Thanks,Ill be sure to call you as an expert witness.You might consider a 
career as a journalist or priest as added insurance.Just to be on the 

 >>Now, it's possible that the Fedz in question really understood this at 
the time,

I think they did,yet they carried on,thats what Im going to tell 
joshua.Robb london and jeff gordon deserve to die.

 >>Jim Bell's such a mainstream sympathy-inspiring figure, especially with 
his alleged history of stink-bombing IRS offices and his alleged 
paperwork-based harassment of bureaucrats and politicians allegedly with 
the so-called "common-law court" folks, some of whom allegedly *are* 
dangerous loons, that in the absence of extemely competent counsel, skilled 
at not only explaining really obscure technical material to hostile 
non-techies but also at dealing with seriously uncooperative clients, a 
conviction was a slam-dunk, so not only does it give them Federal Brownie 
Points for busting a "dangerous terrorist assassin" and preventing him from 
doing anything else real, but it serves as a deterrent for future 
JimBell-Wanabees who *don't* understand that the technology isn't there, 
and besides, he was in their face, and kept getting in their face after 
they'd successfully framed him. <<

Lock up all those out of the *mainstream*? Associating with loons? Said the 
Pot to the kettle.Counsel was sacked.
Obscure technical detail?Like how to use a search engine! WTF! Federal 
points for spending a small fortune on someone who needed an intervention 
order,like thousands of others,every day.So he did pull 10 big ones for 
being a "dangerous terrorist assassin"
In which case this is not *speculative philosophical bullshitting*.at all 
BS,its something very real and very dangerous to those deluded fools that 
think they rule us.Make up your fucking mind.It is or it isnt.They are or 
they aren't.Deterrent seems to have boomeranged on them as they look like 
keystone Kops for throwing the book at a shadow.Didnt deter CJ,didnt deter 
me and Iv'e had someone make a 'prediction' already.The publicity jim 
achieved with tactical brilliance alerted me to AP.How did you hear about 
it? The technology is right here,right now for AP to be used in its ,"let 
it all hang out" mode,or,as I like to call it,from the essay,operation 
*soft drill*.Look around,its here all right,in your face.
Jim gets in the shit covered *face* of the authorities because he's an 
anarchist.Not a plastic timmy mayboy anarchist but a real flesh and blood 
anarchist.Are you or have you ever been a *crypto-anarchist*?

 >>Is it likely that Jeff Gordon understood what was real about the tech 
and was doing this out of pure malice, as opposed to not understanding it 
and actually believing that Bell was a real threat? I doubt he cared enough 
about justice that, if he did come to understand that AP wasn't real, that 
he'd either apologize for his mistake or let it get in the way of an easy 

It was noticed at the time the clash of interests.Claggart gordon lied 
about our billy jim budd.For that he should die,soon.

 >>And CJ just kept jumping in the way yelling "Nyahh Nyahh" and looking 
wacko, and even back before 9/11, furriners didn't have civil rights, and 
he didn't get the "Oh, he's just Canadian" exception to that, because he 
was scaring the Canadians too.

Jesus H Christ scared the shit out of the moneychangers and might have hurt 
a child,actually he was under suspicion of pedophilia so its lucky they 
nailed him to a tree. Leonard peltier was kidnapped/deported from 
its illegal to scare people,lock up cheney,asscroft and armitage.The whole 
rotten coup crew.Your real brave taking on people who cant answer back.

 >>I've almost always found the weather in Seattle to be gorgeous, except 
one or two times that it was also pouring rain here in San Narcisco; maybe 
I'm just lucky. And Seattlers *smoke* a lot also, and it's always that 
nasty tobacco stuff, unlike down here :-)

So its true what they say about the long term effects.

 >>But the bigger problems are that they're Fedz, and that they 
fundamentally don't have much useful work to do,

Not like *me*

 >>there's real hostility to them up there which they respond to in 
macho-tribal fashion, and face it, if you've got a choice of keeping your 
job by doing a big dangerous-terrorist bust, would *you* rather go after 
the real Aryan Nations types, or would you rather go after a Jim Bell or CJ 
which gets you almost as many Brownie Points without actually being 
dangerous or requiring serious police work?

Your a sack of wet brownies if you think those bozo's got anything out of 
it except decreased life expectancy.They are good at wasting taxpayers 
hardearned.Theres some real AN types on this list too btw,meet Tim May.and 
my east coast hitman.Some serious dangerous work was done in portland 
recently,Kudos to my e-mail mate in the PPD.

 >>Sure, your coworkers might know it's a sucker play, but it looks almost 
as good on the paperwork that goes to Washington, which is good for the 
budget and your department's reputation, and in return they'll be happy you 
got this annoyance out of their face, and it's not like they're getting 
much non-cynical self-respect out of what they're usually doing.

Great insight,sure your not a *fed*? You must be,or else your off your 
face.Why dont you smell what your shovelling.

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