Who Am I Anyway?

Jim Choate ravage at einstein.ssz.com
Thu Dec 13 21:10:33 PST 2001

On Thu, 13 Dec 2001, Tim May wrote:

> Item: There are huge numbers of reported cases (no, I don't have URLs, 
> but I have heard testimonials directly, for example) of guys who lied 
> about their ages to enlist. (Some later rose high in the ranks...). This 
> is hard to do if a birth certificate is "required."

I didn't say a birth certificate was required. I said if you had one you
were required to provide a copy. As usual twist the words...:(

If you google you can actually find forms and such used since the Civil
War online. They ask a variety of questions like mother, birthplace, age,

> Item: Many hobos, drifters, and the like enlisted. Not a lot of them 
> were in contact with their birth towns, or even knew where there birth 
> towns were.

Where's your evidence, or is this simply your opinion as well? It's easy
to 'win' a discussion if you get to make up your 'facts'. How many of
these hobbo's did you know personaly (considering you weren't even born
then I'd guess nil).

> Item: Assumed names were, and still are to some extent, common in 
> America. I doubt many able-bodied men were turned down for military 
> service just because they'd changed their name one or more times.

Whis is irrelevant since nobody but you has brought this up before.

> Of course, in Choate Prime, the reality sometimes parallel to our own, 
> but usually not, men routinely avoided the draft by the simple stratagem 
> of not remembering where their mothers said they were born, thus making 
> getting a birth certificate impossible. "Sorry, I have no idea where I 
> was born. Momma says we moved around a lot. So I can't get a birth 
> certificate. Be seein' ya!"

Again, nothing I said implied that at all.

Typical CACL responce, attack the personality and to hell with the facts.


             Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

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       The Armadillo Group       ,::////;::-.          James Choate
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