48 hours

mattd mattd at useoz.com
Tue Dec 11 12:50:15 PST 2001

The au puppet satellite state is bringing in legislation to allow unnamed 
secret police (against law to reveal their ID)
to kidnap and keep people 48 hous.Presumably they may then be 
rekidnapped.My response at melb indymedia.

48 hours in a windowless box,under full time,lights on surveillance with a 
been there,done that.
With creeping secrecy y'all wont have to worry your pretty little heads at 
all.A drumhead secret military court can disappear independent journalists 
without a trace.

"The govt.doesn't protect me from the terrorists,the govt.is the terrorist"


What scares the state?
by proffr 5:58pm Thu Nov 29 '01

The state fear 'assasination politics'
I hope they are correct to do so.
Lawyers and journalists should be stocking up on crypto right now and no 
one should do business with a lawyer or journalist without 
crypto,preferably in a confessional box.

Before 1975, most of us would not have been able to imagine public-key 
encryption.Encryption can pose potentially insurmountable challenges to law 
enforcement and should when law enforcement becomes kidnapping.

The governmental powers that be can't do much about drug-dealing or 
terrorism--if only because they themselves are the chief drug dealers and 
the chief terrorists.Fuck this government. We are the government and we say 
what happens and doesn't happen in this country.

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