Subject: the OSD pool, press release.

mattd mattd at
Mon Dec 10 19:11:14 PST 2001

>Subject: the operation soft drill, draw down pool for day to day petty 
>OSD International do not insure against war and nuclear explosion, and 
>acts of terrorism would somehow fit between the definitions, professor rat 
>"If the government accepts our proposal for a pool, then we will be able 
>to continue to provide cover under the original policy," he told reporters.
>"We have a figure of $1 billion, which is probably a sufficient number we 
>would need."
>Proff. rat said the pool would have to be raised through community 
>contributions, such as a levy on insurance policies.
>"If we create a viable pool here in Australia, everyone's going to have to 
>contribute to it," he said.
>"We would have to assess a cost or contribution over a period of time. It 
>could be X number of dollars per house or vehicle insurance policy.
>"We have not got down to the fine detail yet; we are still arguing for a 

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