Voluntary Mandatory Self-Ratings and Limits on Speech

Jim Choate ravage at einstein.ssz.com
Sat Aug 25 09:06:49 PDT 2001

On Sat, 25 Aug 2001, Sampo Syreeni wrote:

> Agreed. As Tim said, one first needs to show that there is a rights
> violation, and that harm is indeed being done. In fact I'm of the opinion
> that even when that *can* be achieved, it's still not quite ok to regulate
> if the harm is not immediate -- even if violent entertainment does cause
> violence, and people are dying because of it, you need to show that the
> subjects are not left a choice, but are compelled to act violently. Probably
> you'd need to show that they've been forced/tricked into watching the stuff
> in the first place. None of that can be done in the case of "entertainment
> unsuitable for young eyes", of course.

Hume's Fork. You have a logical fault in your thinking.


            natsugusa ya...tsuwamonodomo ga...yume no ato
            summer grass...those mighty warriors'...dream-tracks

                                            Matsuo Basho

       The Armadillo Group       ,::////;::-.          James Choate
       Austin, Tx               /:'///// ``::>/|/      ravage at ssz.com
       www.ssz.com            .',  ||||    `/( e\      512-451-7087
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