BESS's Secret LOOPHOLE (censorware vs. privacy & anonymity)

Seth Finkelstein sethf at
Thu Aug 16 05:28:42 PDT 2001

[regarding stool-pigeoning]
[Tim May] >>> to limit his testimony to statements of the form:

[Seth Finkelstein] >> "Yes, I affirm under oath that the article is true"

[Tim May]
> Was Declan asked about the "truth" of the article? Did he testify
> with the words above?

"The Government is not seeking any source material, ..."
"The limited purpose of the subpoena is to have you review two of your
published articles ... and have you verify that [Jim Bell] in fact
told you those things."

	My understanding is that he did verify well enough for those needs.
I followed your "form" in wording, I didn't think you meant exact quotes.
Now, certainly, it's not that he wanted to do it, or he was happy to do
it. But I really won't care how much he'll moan and groan and play the
violin if he does things to help create a trial involving *me*.

> Regardless, you seem to have some personal vendetta against DM.

	Ahem. Regarding vendettas, may I point out that this thread
has proceeded from both you and Declan flaming me for one mildly
flippant remark about the philosophy of libercryptoanarpunkism?

	However, if you *ask* ... I think our mutual feeling
are very evident, and it would be silly to deny them. In the past,
Declan did much to raise my legal risks of a lawsuit, in retaliation
for my not giving him confidential information. I am quite concerned
he will continue this pattern, and it is one of my largest worries in
doing activism now, of the type I just posted.

	I've supported Bennett Haselton of Peacefire in his charge
of plagiarism against Declan McCullagh. Bennett's account fits with 
my own experience of Declan's character. Declan has obviously not
been pleased with that. See the second Peacefire *press release* at

	I saw how contemptuously Declan treated the DeCSS programmers:

 "The general feeling has been that Mr McCullagh acted in an unprofessional
   manner regarding his article and in an immature manner when dealing with
   the feedback." [Matthew R. Pavlovich, the name might be familiar]

Ref'ed in:

	There's plenty more. But hey, according to Declan, I'm deranged.
So who to believe? Declan is a fine chanter of rants, while in contrast,
I am Not A Libertarian. That should settle the issue right there.

	I want Declan as far away from me as possible regarding
anything which could turn into a legal situation. Call that feeling
whatever you wish. The difference between some flames on a rantfest
mailing list, and being jailed, just doesn't compare.

Seth Finkelstein  Consulting Programmer  sethf at

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