"Space War"

John Young jya at pipeline.com
Mon Aug 6 14:17:56 PDT 2001

Don't overlook what is reportedly happening on the back side of 
the moon. The URL for an IF-mooncam was posted here a while
ago. The stream is encrypted but with weak crypto -- the 
crypto-processor is 1968-9 vintage. The cam is part of a data
package placed on the dark side in a classified operation. Signals
bounced off a reflector stationed at the very edge of the moon's 

What else is being done there remains to be disclosed.

Didn't somebody mention also mention here that there's a group 
which intercepts the stream?

I believe the Smithsonian has an archive of the small amount of 
public material, and NARA has some of the classified stuff needing
clearance for access.

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