CDR: Re: police IR searches to Supremes

David Honig honig at
Thu Sep 28 15:26:48 PDT 2000

At 03:10 PM 9/28/00 -0400, Harmon Seaver wrote:
>          I'm having a very difficult time comprehending how plant
>lights could even remotely be construed as "probable cause" -- don't the
>courts have any idea of the millions of little old ladies (and whoever)
>who use plant lights for their house plants? Or of the multitudes who
>use them to jump start gardens every Spring, or the many who actually
>grow veggies hydroponically in their basement?

Look at the economics.  If you shoot a few innocent hispanic kids, even a
millionaire or two, and pay out a few mill in compensation, you still get
to grab all that other loot, plus the fed fund$ you get for free.


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