CDR: Re: Lions and Tigers and Backdoors, oh, my...

David Honig honig at
Wed Sep 27 19:41:37 PDT 2000

At 07:51 PM 9/27/00 -0400, Tim May wrote:
>At 7:33 PM -0400 9/27/00, David Honig wrote:
>>It does create a single-point-of-failure if everyone uses the same
>>library (or other independent 'module'), but on the other hand, everyone
>>rolling their own is likely to introduce more fatal flaws.
>>Curious what the alternatives are,
>I said nothing about "everyone rolling their own."

Yes, that was the most extreme contrast I could think of.  A straw
man.  Obviously bad practice.

What kind of modularity (not including linking a source-inspectable
library) were you thinking of?


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